Letter to the Editor – Anne Kruger, Rye

What would you change about yourself?

Anne Kruger, Rye

The one thing I would consider changing about myself is my tendency to linger in the shadows of doubt. Doubt whispers that my stories may falter and my efforts may not resonate. But then I pause and realise that life is a draft—a work in progress that we refine as we grow.

This question—what would you change about yourself?—invites us to look within, not to find flaws but to discover our strengths. Maybe the answer isn’t really about change at all. Perhaps it’s about embracing who we are and our imperfections while carrying the mantra: don’t give up.

Every quiet story we carry and every perceived imperfection is part of what makes us human. So, what would I change? Instead, I’d remind myself—and you—to keep going.

Anne Kruger, Rye

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