Federal Election: Tensions Rise in Flinders Campaign—Despite No Election Date Yet

With the federal election campaign for the seat of Flinders heating up, tensions between candidates are beginning to surface—even though an election date has yet to be announced. Incumbent Liberal MP Zoe McKenzie has taken aim at Independent challenger Ben Smith, raising concerns over his campaign funding in a recent Facebook post.

Campaign Spending Under Scrutiny

In her post, McKenzie highlighted the lack of current restrictions on campaign spending, stating:

“There is, at present, no limit on what can be spent on a campaign. Sensible campaign funding reform laws were passed by the Australian Parliament in February and they will take effect for the election after the forthcoming one. Till then, candidates can and will put in as much as their backers enable them to spend.”

She then directed followers to Facebook’s Ad Library Report, pointing out that Smith’s campaign had spent $110,000 in the past month, making him the highest-spending Teal candidate in Australia.

The post sparked significant debate, leading McKenzie to disable comments, citing the increasing hostility of the discussion:

“Folks, I try really hard not to let this Facebook page become a shouting match between people. Everyone is entitled to their view, but the nastiness isn’t where we want this to be.”

Backlash Over Liberal Party Advertising

Days later, McKenzie’s stance on campaign spending was challenged in a Mornington Peninsula Notice Board Vic post by Alan Walton, who questioned the cost of McKenzie’s own advertising. He shared an image of the Mornington Peninsula News front page, which had been entirely purchased by McKenzie’s campaign.

“I seem to recall our local member posting on their Facebook page just the other day regarding campaign spending and drawing attention to other candidates’ spending. I wonder how much it cost for this full front-page ad in our local newspaper, and who paid for it?”

Alan Walton question McKenzie’s election spend given her criticism of Smith’s campaign spending. Source: Facebook

Walton’s post quickly gained traction, attracting over 117 comments, with many locals mocking the advertisement.

Ben Smith Confirms Major Spending

Despite McKenzie’s critique, Smith confirmed that he is spending an average of $100,000 per month on his campaign in an interview with RPP FM last week and has continued to seek additional funding from supporters.

A well-known figure in the community, Smith is the former CEO of the Mornington Community Support Centre and was named Father of the Year in 2024. His strong grassroots connections and approachable demeanour make him a formidable contender.

Labor’s Sarah Race Stays Focused

While McKenzie and Smith publicly butt heads, Labor candidate Sarah Race has largely avoided controversy, focusing on direct engagement with voters. Race is a former Mornington Peninsula Shire Councillor and has a track record of advocating for local services, community infrastructure, and social justice issues.

As a councillor, Race was known for championing affordable housing initiatives, environmental protection policies, and greater support for families and seniors. Her campaign has been centred on Labor’s national platform while also addressing local concerns such as cost of living, public transport, and healthcare access on the Peninsula.

A Tightening Contest Without an Election Date

Although Zoe McKenzie remains the favourite for re-election, Ben Smith’s aggressive campaign and strong local reputation make the race increasingly competitive. Sarah Race’s steady approach adds further intrigue to the contest.

And while candidates are ramping up their campaigns, there’s still no official election date in sight, adding another layer of uncertainty to the battle for Flinders.


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2 Responses

  1. To bad they did not tax the tourrorists. Would have cash to burn. Next will go to Essential Services Commission: for rate exemption,. Keep you eyes open to stop them in their tracks.

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